Friday, May 31, 2013

A Letter to My Teething Baby

Dear Bulldog,
     Your gums are on fire, and you have spears being driven through your gums. I shouldn't have any joy because of this, but I do. You see, for a little while there, I was afraid that you wanted to wean, that you didn't need me in that special way anymore. Because of your teething pain, you've wanted to nurse A LOT this week. The milk has analgesic properties, so it helps to soothe your pain, and our extended snuggles provide comfort, letting you know that I'm here for you. By being chained to the couch, your favorite nursing spot, I've been forced to take a much needed rest from my daily routine. As a bonus, your amazing big brother has taken to join us on the couch for cuddles. I get to spend my day watching Sesame Street and Thomas the Tank Engine while cuddling with my two favorite boys.
     At night, you want only me to help you get to sleep. Daddy just won't do. In spite of the medicine and nursing, you still hurt too much to fall into a peaceful sleep. So I rock you, and sing you every song I know, and pray over you. I pray with more sincerity than I have in a while. As I try to comfort you, I am comforted by my Father. I get a glimpse of what He feels when I hurt, and I know that He is here for me, just as I am here for you. I thank you for that.
     I promise, this pain won't last forever. It will end, and it is for a purpose. It is for your good. Once you have teeth, you can eat really awesome stuff like steak. You're just like your daddy, so I'm pretty sure you'll love steak. I wish I could say that this is the last time you'll feel pain like this, but I can't. Life has many times of great pain, but it doesn't last forever. Try to find the joyous moments in the pain, and remember that the Lord and I are watching over you.

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