Friday, July 15, 2011

Cool Things Babyzilla Does: Month 6

Dear Babyzilla,
     Daddy and I are constantly amazed by you! We've decided to throw out the books since you've decided to ignore what they say. I find myself writing letters to you via my Facebook status:

  • Dear Babyzilla,
    You are not even 6 months old. You CANNOT understand the concept of object permanence. Therefore, you aren't supposed to ask for your "Da-da-da-da-da" (Daddy) when he's not in the room. Same goes for "Mmmmm boo" (Mr. Blue, your blue elephant). Seriously kid, they don't exist to you unless you can see them. Read a child psychology book.
You've learned some new tricks this month:
  • You roll onto your belly all the time. However, you hate to stay there.
  • You can sit up by yourself for about 15 secinds.
  • You climb (sort of) over Daddy's arm to get to a toy you want, even if it's partially hidden.
  • Daddy and I decided it was time to introduce you to a sippy cup. We just wanted you to get aquainted with it so it wouldn't be weird when we transition from the bottle. You figured it out in 2 weeks! The thing I love about the sippies that Daddy found is that they're trainer cups that teach you to drink rather than being an extension of the bottle. If you suck like you would with a bottle, they don't work. Such a big kid!
  • When the phone rings, you say "Ha-woe." (Hello)
  • You tell Daddy "Hi" or "Hey" whenever he comes home. Do you know what you're saying? Probably not, but it's still really cool.
At your 6 month check-up you were 29 inches long and weighed 20 pounds 1 ounce. You're down to the 100th percentile on height. Yes, down to 100th percentile. Your head, however, is coming in dead center of normal. Weird.

Your 6 month birthday present was 4 Thirsties Duo Diapers for you to use at Mimi's house. You are finally a 100% cloth diaper baby. YAY!

Being super cute and super smart is a hard job. Keep up the good work.

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