Monday, February 27, 2012

Chili Wheat

Chili Wheat

4 cups water
1 onion, chopped
½ Tbsp brown sugar
½ tsp cumin
3 Tbsp beef broth or 1-2 bouillon cubes
16 oz. tomato sauce
1 bay leaf
1 ½ whole wheat berries
1 tsp chili powder
½ tsp dried basil
Pinch of cayenne

Place ingredients in a slow cooker, stir, and cook on high 6-8 hours.

You can also add kidney beans to make it more chili-like.

About that New Year's Resolution...

     As you may have noticed, I have not had much luck keeping that resolution about posting twice each week. I appologize. Life has been, well, crazy. I'll do my best to catch you up on what's been going on.
     First things first. My school schedule is different this semester. Usually, I have 4 night classes, each lasting 4 weeks. This semester, I'm taking a day class in addition to 3 night classes, so I won't have a night class the last month of the semester (right after Bump #2 gets here). Instead of having my days (except Wednesdays) free, I have class on Monday and Wednesday. My class cuts into my practicum hours, so I've had to go to my practicum class on Fridays to make up hours. I also have twice as much homework as usual. It's not overly demanding, but it's just thrown off my groove. I've reworked the cleaning schedule to make it work, but it only works if I follow it. At 35 weeks pregnant, I have energized days and tired days. When I'm exhausted, it's all I can do to keep Babyzilla from destroying the place. He's 13 months and into EVERYTHING!
      Hubby's a great help, but he's tired, too. He's working his butt off at work, so he'll be able to take off once Bump #2 is born. He's the one that gets up when Babyzilla has a bad dream, does most (almost all) of the dishes, and is working on clearing out the former guestroom so it can be Babyzilla's room. After we get it all cleaned out (we're almost there), he's got to put together all of the furniture. We're also redoing the living room, because little hands have way too much access to movies and board games but not enough organization for toys. We're making the hutch into toy storage and putting the movies and games in a cabinet (that Hubby has to put together) that we can lock.
      Then there's the fun (heh) we've had with our VBAC journey. Babyzilla was 10 and a half pounds at birth. He measured 2-3 weeks ahead my entire pregnancy. Bump #2 has measured spot on (about 1 week ahead) the entire time. Even so, the midwives were insistant that this baby would be bigger. One (Midwife Dread) went so far as to tell me not to put much hope in a VBAC because my other baby was so huge. About a month ago, I had an appointment with Midwife Dread. She measured my belly. I had measured about 1 week ahead at my last appointment. This time, I measured 4 weeks ahead. That's not normal. She told us we were going to have an ultrasound and left the room. At check-out I asked if this meant we might get our due date moved. She said that they have to use the u/s from earlier, and that, depending on what the u/s shows, Dr. ______ may not be comfortable with a VBAC. I had whiplash. I vented to the Facebook group for my local ICAN chapter. That weekend, we all pow-wow-ed at a local park. I was showered with support. I went into the ultrasound with confidence and went into the following appointment armed with knowledge. Next appointment we got our results. He's around 40th percentile, and my fluid levels are normal. *Blows raspberries* I'm so glad I agreed to that ultrasound. Now they can get off my back about his size!
        Tonight, I start my last class of the semester. I forgot to count Spring Break in my planning, so instead of 4 weeks to the end, I have 5. That means my final is within a few days of my due date. I've had intense Braxton Hicks for the past couple of weeks, and my hips are no longer on speaking terms. Everything indicates that I won't go all the way to my due date. We'll see how it goes. I plan to get my practicum assignments done as soon as I can. My Spring Break will be spent with my hands chained to the computer. If all else fails, I bring the baby to class. There are 6 of us in the class, so I'm not overly worried about exposure to deadly funk. He'll be wrapped up in the Moby and get nursed while the instructor lectures. I didn't do that with Babyzilla, and I regretted it.
       Yeah, that's life right now. On the plus side, I've collected a bunch of recipes over the past month. I'll get them up eventually. Some of them are freezer meals for when the baby comes. I didn't plan ahead at all with Babyzilla. Not making that mistake again.