It's been far too long since I've done a blog post. Make no mistake. It's not because I ran out of things to say. Oh no. If anything, I have even MORE to say. I've been absent from the blog because I've felt like garbage for the past few months. Why am I feeling so yucky? Glad you asked. The answer: I'M PREGNANT! Surprise! Trust me, it was a surprise to us, too. You remember Babyzilla? Yeah, he's 9 months old and I'm 4 months (17 weeks) pregnant.
This pregnancy happened a lot faster than we'd planned. Babyzilla and Bump #2 will be 14 months apart. On the one hand, having 2 kids under 2 years old while being a full-time student is going to be a challenge. On the other hand, Hubby and I knew that we never wanted Babyzilla to be an only child. Actually, we'd love to have at least 4. However, once I hit 30 and definately by the time I'm 35, I don't want to get pregnant again, so we've got just over 7 years to make this happen. With the small age gap, we won't have to worry as much about Babyzilla adjusting to the new baby. He won't remember a time without his brother/sister. Another bonus to the more, faster method is that we never get a break from diapers and feedings. I know that doesn't sound like a bonus, but think about it. When you're used to running a mile a day, it's not so bad. Take a week off and it feels so much harder. Same thing with babies... at least that's what we're telling ourselves. With about 23 weeks left in this pregnancy, you can bet your bum that there are going to be posts, maybe even rants, about my journey to a VBAC and other tid bits I pick up along the way.