Friday, June 17, 2011

Cool things Babyzilla Does: Month 5

Dear Babyzilla,
Oh my goodness! My baby is growing up so fast! In some ways it's awesome, but in other ways is stinks worse than your poopy diapers.

Cool things you do:
  • Giggle. Oh, it's the best sound ever! Apparently you find Mama and Daddy very funny.
  • You hang out in your crib in the morning until 7:30-8. Mama really appreciates the sleep!
  • You love talking to that handsome baby that lives in your mirror.
  • You get all excited when you see "Daaa-eeee" in the morning.
  • When you're on your back, you try so hard to sit up. You've developed quite the baby six-pack from all of those crunches. Rolling over is of no interest to you. You proved that you can do it already, but you seem to feel that rolling over is below your level now, Mr. High and Mighty.
  • Sometimes, when you're struggling to sit up, and you try SO hard, I hold out my hand. You grab my fingers and pull yourself into a sitting position. You are so pleased with yourself. I'm always amazed that your face can hold a smile that big.
  • Scoot. Even though you're too cool for rolling over, Mama still insists you get tummy time just in case you decide to give it another go. Well, you're still not into rolling over, unless I flip you. You find that hilarious. When I flip you onto your belly, you get into a quasi-push up position and kick your legs. You've managed to move a few inches. Crawling is on the horizon!
  • Eat! Oh how you enjoy eating! You love to take Mama's or Daddy's hand and feed yourself. It's all you kid. We just help with aim.
  • Help Mama change your diaper and/or clothes. When I get your onsie over your head, you do a crunch so I can get to the onsie. You don't go down until I put the dirty onsie in the hamper and say, "Thank you." When I'm changing your diaper, you grab your feet and present your seat. You're very good at keeping your feet out of your poopie. When I get your diaper ready, you lift your tushie into the air back-bend style so I can slide the diaper under. Smarty pants!
  • Bounce. Oh my goodness how you love to bounce. At home, you have a "Johnny jump up," as Grandma calls it, and at Mimi's you have a horse that is kind of the same thing but without being suspended from a door frame. You LOVE that horse! Sometimes we turn on the sounds. It plays "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain" and "William Tell Overture" and says "Yeeee-haw!" You really like the "Yeeee-haw!" As a mater of fact, there's some debate as to whether or not "Yeeee-haw!" was your first word. When you're on some body's knee, you rock back and forth like you're riding your horse still. Too cute!
  • Try to speak. You imitate sounds all the time. I'll say something like "hand" and you'll grab my hand and say "haaan." Once is a coincidence, Twice is cute, but you've done that 5 times in the past week. That's not normal for a baby your age. You're freaking me out, kid. (In a good way.)
  • Ask for your favorite toys. Mr. Blue (your blue elephant) is your BPF (best pachyderm forever). You always want him by your side, especially if we're in the car. Mr. Blue (or "mmmmmmm buuuu" as you call him) chases away your grumpy side, so I'm all for him. You also love to hold your cloth diapers. Daddy and I thought we'd packed up your smaller ones, but apparently we missed one. You found it and now you take it everywhere. You don't have a name for it, but you reach for it all the time. Even though it's not a toy, per se, you do love your bottles (or "baaaaaaaAAAaaa" in Babyzilla-ese).
Well, little man, I'm sure I've forgotten some things, but that's a glimpse of how adorable you are right now.

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